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DeWitt Travel Basketball

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Sep, 2024

3rd-6th Grade Boys AND Girls Evaluations

We are now accepting registrations for the upcoming season for 3rd through 6th grade boys AND girls through October 24th, 2024!!

3rd through 6th grade boys and girls evaluations will be held at the DeWitt Middle School in the large and small gymnasiums on Sunday, October 27th, 2024, at the schedule listed below:

3rd Grade Boys & Girls 10:00am - 11:00am
4th Grade Boys & Girls 11:30am - 12:30pm
5th Grade Boys & Girls 1:00pm - 2:30pm
6th Grade Boys & Girls 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Please have your son and/or daughter arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled evaluation to get checked in and plan on attending a short parent meeting at the beginning of their session.
  We expect that each of the evaluation session will run as close to the scheduled times listed above.

Please be sure to register your son and/or daughter online by the registration close date of October 24th, 2024.  Please also be sure to find the link in the confirmation email you will receive after registering and complete electronic forms.  These MUST be submitted to consider your player's registration complete.  Players who do not have completed electronic forms on file will NOT be allowed to participate in evaluations!!

Interested in coaching?  Consider volunteering to coach these young ladies for the upcoming season and register to coach by October 24th, 2024!

Thank you and Go Panthers!

- DTBA Board of Directors